Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who do you trust?

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed in the outcome of the election. My candidates had a tough night! I could see it coming, but still prayed and hoped for a different outcome. The miracle didn't happen!

Having said that, I'm uncomfortable with how evangelical Christians have become tethered to the Republican party. I understand the importance of voting for a party that mirrors (in part) my values--the sanctity of life, small government, opportunity and individual responsibility. I vote my values (just as Democrats do) and I don't apologize for it. Still the Republican-Christian association doesn't always serve the cause of Christ well. Perhaps we've put too much trust in our influence in government. All the past political victories haven't done much for the state of the church in the U. S. (many of which are plateaued or declining).

The days to follow will be test of what I/we really believe about God's sovereignty over all things. Today I find myself joining Paul--a man who in his travels came face to face with a variety of governments and rulers-- in his counsel in 1 Timothy 2:1-3:

"First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all that are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in everyway. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."

If I read this passage correctly, God is most interested in the kind of life we live in the days following the election. The action point towards that life is prayer for all people, ESPECIALLY those he has in his sovereignty allowed to rise to power. Elections are a way of exercising our rights as citizens but not control over structures or others. Prayer is a way of releasing back to God the things only he can control. The American story is known in its totality by our God. The chapter being written now fits into the plot. So even if a party is in power that doesn't share my values, I rest in the sovereignty of my God that knows and is writing the American story AND my story. It may be an adventure, but it will always turn out for our good and His glory. I'm not bailing on the system, nor resigned to whatever comes my way. What I'm saying is that God has a plan and that Barack Obama is President elect not JUST because 50 plus million voted for him. God is allowing him to rule for HIS purposes at this place in the story.

So let's do what is pleasing to God (1 Timothy 2: 3)--PRAY for President-elect Obama, our newly elected leaders and our people, and LIVE THE LIFE! In the long run, it will do more for the Kingdom of Jesus than a Republican victory!

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